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* Archers are pretty powerful, I'd recommend making that your first class. Once you get a feel for the class system just make a Dungeonmans every time, you can pick your own starting skills that way.
* Archers are pretty powerful, I'd recommend making that your first class. Once you get a feel for the class system just make a Dungeonmans every time, you can pick your own starting skills that way.

* Don't forget to use movement skills to avoid damage. No matter your build you should pick up at least one, enemy damage can get overwhelming fast if you're surrounded.
* Southern Gentlemans skills are best left alone until you can play the game at a pretty good clip. Its main resource, Ire, drains in real time.

* Always go ahead and use your proofs of stremf, you get them back with each character.
* Only the first Bannermans skill tree requires polearms. You can splash into the actual banner trees with any kind of character and they are extremely worth it.
* Choose one sort of armour skill per character and stick to it. Don't try to get funny with it.
* Always have a ranged damage option. If you're focusing on hitting things with a weapon, this usually means splashing into wizardmans, taking the last tree of necromansy, or using a bow (if you aren't using a shield).
* Always have an exit button for when you're in a bad place, be it surrounded, low on health in the open with a dangerous ranged enemy in sight, or so on. Movement skills are good for this, but you can also get by with blink scrolls with conservative play.
* Always turn in academy items at your earliest convenience. Make sure to use your proofs of stremf to increase your stats and to melt down the heap of unnecessary gear you've picked up along the way.

* Buff up before you enter challenge portals, not after. Champion potions are really powerful.
* Buff up before you enter challenge portals, not after. Champion potions are really powerful.
* In fact, approach potions in general with a buffing mindset and not a "Oh no I'm going to to die next turn mindset" because they restore over time and they may not be able to save you at that point.
* Quirks! The quirks vary wildly in power at time of editing and can have a massive effect on your play experience.
- The good ones are Electrolyzed, All Weather (if you're playing as a wizardmans), Tireless, and Mad Thirsty(!). Mad Thirsty is by far the strongest quirk, allowing you to quaff a potion each turn as a free action.
- The okay ones are Southern Born (for the stun resist), and World Champion (so long as you respect it).
- Everything else is bad, even the one that gives you 20% more turns for 15% more damage taken (your health can drop to zero in a bad situation shockingly quick already, and it can be weird playing around the world moving at a slightly different pace from your character).
