Dying Light: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 23:14, 1 February 2015

- Have a lot of normal zombies that you need dead, but can't clear them in melee safely? Stand up on something tall enough to be safe (like a van or a building) and toss firecrackers to gather them, then molotovs to clear them out. Neither firecrackers nor the molotov counts as anything loud enough that fast zombies will come to investigate.

- Giant zombie in your way? Throw melee weapons at them. There's a relatively early game talent that will let you throw any melee weapon. Coincidentally, the big concrete club those assholes swing around makes a really good ranged weapon when you throw it at them. It's so good that it's worth carting around one or two of those rebar clubs in the early game so you can throw them whenever you encounter a giant dude.

- Living people are really annoying to fight. Fortunately living people also really don't handle being lit on fire well. So any time you find a group of 3 thugs camping something you want (like a supply drop), throw a molotov right into the middle of them. All three of them will burn to death without any further intervention on your part. Also living people usually have great weapons that sell for good money, too, so don't forget to loot their weapons.

- In coop, the loot you see (with the exception of weapons actively being wielded by the NPCs) is all instanced. So you see your own loot. Each of your coop buddies sees their own individual sets of loot. So feel free to take anything you see lying around; you're not being a greedy dick when you hoover up everything in sight.

- Talent tips: Extra bag space is great. Crafting more items for fewer resources (aka make more molotovs) is great. Instant escape from zombie grabs is a literal life saver. Instantly killing prone zombies is revelatory. Camouflage is good. Jumping off of zombies while sprinting is good (and with the drop attack is hilarious). I never used two handed weapons, so I can't tell you if the talent abilities for two handers are any good, but the charged swing power attack for one handed weapons is garbage and usually will get your ass eaten.

- Don't go outside at night. The night time special zombies are real bad news.