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* Spiking heat, or maintaining it, above the "overheat threshold" causes structure damage to every location of your mech, ignoring armor. Maxing it out causes a shutdown; called shots can be made against a shutdown mech, and it takes their entire next turn to restart. Restarting clears all their heat though!
* Spiking heat, or maintaining it, above the "overheat threshold" causes structure damage to every location of your mech, ignoring armor. Maxing it out causes a shutdown; called shots can be made against a shutdown mech, and it takes their entire next turn to restart. Restarting clears all their heat though!
* Scrap is not the same as store, if you have a sellable mech, store then sell, you'll get more cbills
* You can reorder the refit queue. Don't go crazy trying to refit your first mech, refitting takes a long time and time is money. Remove/add a weapon here and there until you have a lull and can afford it.
* In the beginning of the game it's really cheap to pay lavish for +2 morale every month, it's a lot more expensive later so build it while you can. Morale is amazing.
* There's no reason to not drop the heaviest as possible every time, once you get heavier mechs you'll decomm your lighter, this is normal but a bit sad.
* Mechs are assembled from parts and come fully equipped so if you got banged up bad it's probably cheaper just to scrap what you were piloting and use a newly assembled one.
* Generally you want to pilot mechs at the top of the weight for their class. Some are better than others, there are steam guides if you are looking for specific good mechs and fits, also tweak weapons so they mostly fire in the same range and then stay at that range. Jumpjets on everything. At least 4.
* Generally, their default fits are bad. Really weak on armor. Take out those ac5s and max front torso armor. Armor saves you cbills because it's repaired for free. Front torso armor should be maxed and back generally no less than 50% of the bar. Legs and arms 75% ish. No less than 50% unless the arm is empty and you really really need the tonage.
* Don't do too many side missions until you get the argo, unless you really need cbills, consider yourself in the prologue and do story missions if they come up and you have the drop tonnage.
* Expert tactics is by far the best skill. Allows you to go twice by delaying your turn to after they've gone, letting you reposition while firing every round and also remain braced. Bulwark is second. By late game you're not going to be able to dodge and agility isn't worth it, bulwark letting you take half damage and also fire back same turn is amazing. If they ever change the guts skill to brace on melee get that for your brawler but otherwise just spec everyone the same, get bulwark then go up the tactics tree
* If you're not braced for half damage when the enemy fires at you or at least a lot of evasion, you're doing it wrong. If your first mech is over the hill and charging to medium range, maybe spend morale for that brace after moving so he doesn't get cored on the enemy return stroke! If you have low heat, jump jet in instead of sprinting so you can brace.
* Your guys are going to get injured, comically and seemingly every mission from a head hit even if you perform flawlessly. It's a bullshit part of the game. Check market for cockpit mods to ignore a number of hits and you'll need a roster of 7ish to rotate the injured out. Once you get the argo research medbay asap.

==Suggested Tweaks==
==Suggested Tweaks==