Pillars of Eternity: Difference between revisions

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* You can assign hotkeys to abilities by pressing the key in question while hovering over the ability. This is extremely handy with frequently used abilities such as Fighters' Knock Down.
* You can assign hotkeys to abilities by pressing the key in question while hovering over the ability. This is extremely handy with frequently used abilities such as Fighters' Knock Down.

* Entering "scouting mode" (alt by default) not only puts your character in stealth mode but also automatically searches your surroundings for traps and hidden objects. Detecting things (and dealing with them in the case of traps and locks) is based solely on a character's Mechanics skill, so one character should focus heavily on it while the rest can spend their points elsewhere.
* Especially on higher difficulties, Pillars is largely a game of finding enemies' weak points and focusing on them. For example an enemy with high Deflection but low Will is better dealt with Will-targeting attacks than physical ones. Weaknesses can (and should) also be created; For example the Priest spell "Divine Mark" targets Will and lowers the target's Deflection, making it easier for your physical attackers to deal with the aforementioned type of enemy.
* The more enemies of a certain type (excluding people) you defeat, the more information you'll have about their strengths and weaknesses. Their detailed statistics and descriptions can be found in the Bestiary section of the Cyclopedia.
* Entering "Scouting mode" (alt by default) not only puts your character in stealth mode but also automatically searches your surroundings for traps and hidden objects. Detecting things (and dealing with them in the case of traps and locks) is based solely on a character's Mechanics skill, so one character should focus heavily on it while the rest can spend their points elsewhere.

* Detecting traps is a Mechanics vs. trap level check while disarming them is a harder check. There's no randomness; either you have the skill or you don't.
* Detecting traps is a Mechanics vs. trap level check while disarming them is a harder check. There's no randomness; either you have the skill or you don't.