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* Upgrades are not acquired through completing activities and diversions like they were in SR2, you buy them from your phone and they unlock as you gain respect levels.
* Upgrades are not acquired through completing activities and diversions like they were in SR2, you buy them from your phone and they unlock as you gain respect levels.

- In the beginning of the game, I would recommend fully upgrading a weapon or two before concentrating on the other upgrades from your cell phone. The .45 Shepherd is a good candidate for this TEMPORARY-DASH-CHARACTER upgrade the rate of fire, clip size, and bullet type from Friendly Fire and get the Dual Wield Pistols upgrade from your cell phone and start launching your enemies into the air with aplomb.
- In the beginning of the game, I would recommend fully upgrading a weapon or two before concentrating on the other upgrades from your cell phone. The .45 Shepherd is a good candidate for this TEMPORARYDASHCHARACTER upgrade the rate of fire, clip size, and bullet type from Friendly Fire and get the Dual Wield Pistols upgrade from your cell phone and start launching your enemies into the air with aplomb.

- Also, if you upgrade your flashbangs to level 4, you get the Fart in a Jar. In addition to being hilarious, they are also part of an achievement.
- Also, if you upgrade your flashbangs to level 4, you get the Fart in a Jar. In addition to being hilarious, they are also part of an achievement.
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- Two good things to know about the Professor Genki SERC activity: your health doesn't regenerate like it normally does, and the "hunters" (brutes) that appear when you hit your cash target respawn infinitely. Shoot the first brute that appears until the game wants you to go up and do the QTE thing to kill them, DON'T do it, then run your ass off towards the exit.
- Two good things to know about the Professor Genki SERC activity: your health doesn't regenerate like it normally does, and the "hunters" (brutes) that appear when you hit your cash target respawn infinitely. Shoot the first brute that appears until the game wants you to go up and do the QTE thing to kill them, DON'T do it, then run your ass off towards the exit.

- For Insurance Fraud, drive to a highway instead of sticking to the intersections that give you an adrenaline boost TEMPORARY-DASH-CHARACTER there aren't any stoplights to slow the cars down or turns for them to make, so you know exactly where the cars will be coming from at all times. Run against the flow of traffic, ragdoll right as you're about to get hit, and try to steer yourself in midair to get hit over and over by the same car or other cars. The more hits before you land and stand up, the more cash you get.
- For Insurance Fraud, drive to a highway instead of sticking to the intersections that give you an adrenaline boost TEMPORARYDASHCHARACTER there aren't any stoplights to slow the cars down or turns for them to make, so you know exactly where the cars will be coming from at all times. Run against the flow of traffic, ragdoll right as you're about to get hit, and try to steer yourself in midair to get hit over and over by the same car or other cars. The more hits before you land and stand up, the more cash you get.

- For Mayhem (and Tank Mayhem), the key is your combo meter. Do everything you can to keep that thing up. The best way to do this is to hit clusters of things with explosives. Use grenades if the game doesn't give you the RPG. Look for groups of trash bags down alleys, shrubs and fences around houses, newspaper stands in front of stores, cars with multiple people in them, etc. If the area you're in seems a little barren, find a car and drive to greener pastures TEMPORARY-DASH-CHARACTER the time you waste driving is more than made up in cash as you run merrily through a neighborhood blowing up fences instead of getting frustrated in an empty industrial district.
- For Mayhem (and Tank Mayhem), the key is your combo meter. Do everything you can to keep that thing up. The best way to do this is to hit clusters of things with explosives. Use grenades if the game doesn't give you the RPG. Look for groups of trash bags down alleys, shrubs and fences around houses, newspaper stands in front of stores, cars with multiple people in them, etc. If the area you're in seems a little barren, find a car and drive to greener pastures TEMPORARYDASHCHARACTER the time you waste driving is more than made up in cash as you run merrily through a neighborhood blowing up fences instead of getting frustrated in an empty industrial district.

- In Heli Assault, stay low and stick with the car you're supposed to protect. You don't have to chase after every car full of bad dudes that appears TEMPORARY-DASH-CHARACTER often, the game will put them in a place that makes it difficult for them to even reach the target car and they disappear by themselves. Make any other helicopters that appear your first priority.
- In Heli Assault, stay low and stick with the car you're supposed to protect. You don't have to chase after every car full of bad dudes that appears TEMPORARYDASHCHARACTER often, the game will put them in a place that makes it difficult for them to even reach the target car and they disappear by themselves. Make any other helicopters that appear your first priority.
