- Upgrade Computing to at least "Trained" when starting a new game. You can now hack any and all computer terminals, making the game ten times easier.

- Focus on Computing, Electronics, Lockpicking and Pistol at the beginning of the game; you should be able to bypass pretty much anything in the first couple of levels with very little fuss. You can then branch out into the other weapon skills based on which weapons you're using.

- Avoid swimming, environmental training and medicine on your first go. Your skill points are best spent elsewhere.

- When Paul offers you a choice of weapon at the beginning, take the GEP Gun. The other two weapons can be found elsewhere in the level and you won't get another GEP gun for a long time (and it's a lot more useful than you might think).

- Throw all of your accuracy mods into your sniper rifle. It pays off big time.

- Deus Ex doesn't really tolerate the run-and-gun approach early on; try to be more methodical and exacting when starting out. Use your riot prod on individuals and sneak around groups of enemies.

- Once you get past the first level or two, and you actually get some cool augmentations to use, the game becomes a lot more fun. Ballistic Protection + Regeneration + Combat Strength = Awesome

- The first section of the game is what turns a lot of people off to it. Many learn to like it in time, but just know that this game gets exponentially better as you move along.

- Always explore. I've played this game many times, and, like a good book, each playthrough I find something new (I didn't see Morpheus until my third-or-so playthrough, easily my favorite dialogue of any game ever)

- Find a Baton, and become very good at aiming it. Prods are only so-available and you WILL need them, as is with tranqs.

- Keep the GEP gun at all times. It's great for picking a few locks in a second.

- Many, many guards are stupid. You can exploit the AI by closing doors in front of them. Generally, only civs in a panic can open doors.

- The silenced pistol is your best friend. Laser sight and accuracy mods pays off well and is perfect for a stealthy approach.

- Every playthrough is a new one.

- Deus Ex is a massive game, speaking of content. As said before, I urge you to explore. Though most of exploring requires either explosives to blow open doors or lockpicks/computing for opening, the best exploration goes for dialogue. The dialogue open for side quests which is very rewarding and actually fun.

- You will reinstall it many times.

- If you don't blow apart every door you can with the Dragon Tooth Sword when you get it, you're playing the game wrong.

- If you're playing stealthy, then the pepper spray is more useful than you think.

- Don't uninstall.

- Once you put a laser on a gun the bullets will always hit the dot (unless you put on a scope, too, that fucks it up) so you don't need to also use accuracy mods.

- Utility skills are front-loaded, gun skills are end-loaded. That is - bumping Medicine (for example) up to Trained makes every medkit heal an additional 30 hit points. Further skills bumps only increase the healing by 15 points each, despite costing much more. Meanwhile, training Rifles (for example) to Master gives you as much of a benefit as the previous Trained and Advanced bonuses combined (not to mention misc bonuses like perfect accuracy on all rifles and being able to snipe cameras).