Earth Defense Force 5

Revision as of 15:22, 16 August 2024 by Ahobday (talk | contribs)
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  • The draw distance for weapons is shorter than it appears at long distances. Rockets pretty much ignores that, so you can snipe with them.
  • It helps to have a page open to see what enemies appear on the missions so you won't bring bad weapons.
  • The Rotational Lerp setting is only for controllers.
  • Item drops are based around difficulty and you should never grind on Hard. Inferno basically doubles the drops, but the map can despawn excessive drops.
  • It is ok to stick with one class until the missions take too long to finish. Start over with another class.
  • Fencers need the fewest armor drops to gain one point while Wing Divers need the most. The gap isn't as large as EDF 4.1.
  • Fencer melee weapons are actually surprisingly effective, don't be scared of trying them as both the tankiest class and 2nd most mobile. The shields are also very effective and most are capable of "reloading" once their charges depleted which isn't super obvious.
  • Fencer can boost(jump) and dash and need specific weapons to do so. You have two loadouts and having two weapons that allow both is a great help. Read the weapon description and avoid scopes.
  • It's not totally necessary but highly recommend having at least one Fencer/Wing Diver/fast vehicle to collect armor and weapon boxes in any given mission.
  • Don't let Ranger and Air Raider early weapons throw you off, they get some absolutely insane stuff later along side Fencer and Wing Diver's already cool stuff.
  • Air Raiders can attach turrets to vehicles and very tanky enemies. If it dies, so does the turret. Space them out to save on ammo.
  • You can jump from flying vehicles, quickly use a weapon, and get back in before you hit the ground.
  • Enemies will usually ignore any vehicle on the map so long as you don't drive around in it. Put turrets on it.
  • There are several missions that have hidden timers and you need to wait it out until the game lets you advance the mission.
  • If you've never played an EDF game before don't let the difficulty levels fool you, you're supposed to play through on Normal before trying Hard. It is apparent if you start out in Co-op where you need twice the armor. If you know what you're doing you can absolutely snag some high level weapons from a harder difficulty, but this will generally bust the difficulty curve or depending on the level you might not even be able to use them on a lower difficulty.
  • Inferno is unlocked when you beat the last mission.
  • Look up a guide on finding the right missions to upgrade your favorite weapons. It isn't 25 levels of weapons for each difficulty. Some missions have a wide level range for weapon drops.


  • Try out the co-op weapons at least once (usually a Fencer missile launcher of some kind that needs a target painter from an Air Raider to work) for some fun, inefficient hilarity.
  • Weapons that cause explosions are both hilarious and also incredibly easy to friendly fire your partner with. They also cause rag-dolling generally. Use this info as you see fit.
  • You can attach decoys to anything and it is most effective against large targets which can mess with their AI. (Don't) Attach them to players. What you should do is attach all your explosives to a player/vehicle to take out a ship or swarm.
  • Decoys provide breathing room and a beacon for delayed weapon fire.