• If you want to control the vehicle like literally almost every other game, go to Options -> Controls -> Controller -> Driving Button Scheme = Vehicle Relative: Left Side. Yes, even when you are playing using M&K.
  • You can teleport to any fast travel points or your vehicle, as long as you are on foot.
  • If your fast travel points are not listed because it's in another area, just choose Orbit View (X with M&K) -> Planet -> Zones.
  • Your respec cost is ~10% of your current money, so spend them if you want to cut down the cost.
  • To compare stuff in your inventory between one another, you need to manually select them first (E), then highlight something else. In Shop though, you have to use the Compare button (Q) since (E) will buy/sell without confirmation.
  • Your equipment slots are only unlocked by going through campaign, while inventory/storage/etc are unlocked by spending money on SDU once you've reached Sanctuary.
  • To hijack a car, just press the button to enter the car (E) while it's being driven by an enemy.
  • In the Ammo Dump vending machine only, you can refill your ammo completely with the touch of a button.
  • Sometimes you'll be mailed rewards due to favouring certain manufacturers over the other. Open the e-mails by going Social -> Mail.
  • Your item stats/descriptions usually won't tell the whole story, so it's highly recommended that you actually test-fire your weapons and not just choosing based on damage etc.
  • Story rewards are repeatable once you've finished the game, but challenges' rewards are not. So it may be optimal for you to wait for max level before completing certain series of challenges, since they scale to your level & only received once per character. This is also including Typhon Drops.
  • The drop rates are actually really good compared to the first 2 games.