Starship Troopers: Extermination

  • This is a team game first and foremost so if you look around and see you are alone you are wrong. Find a buddy. After you play for a while you'll understand when its ok to be alone but at the start be codependent.
  • Don't be afraid to melee bug corpses if there is some down time. It really helps with sightlines and keeping the bugs from building a ramp over the walls.
  • Don't be afraid to liberally use your ability or throw grenades. They are just a cooldown and its not very long.
  • Using melee doesn't interrupt reloads and usually kills the smallest bugs in one hit. You can also melee while holding a canister. Its worth it just for the *BONK* sound it makes when connecting.
  • You get XP from bugs when you've done damage to them and not just for the killing blow. Don't be afraid to throw rounds at a big bug you won't do much damage to for the XP.
  • At the end of the match pay extra special attention to how far away the evac shuttle is. Some of them are a hell of a hike and will take most of the time to get to.
  • Friendly fire is absolutely a thing. If you do too much of it you'll get labeled a traitor and your team will be incentivized to kill you. You'll the be kicked from the match when you die. This might not seem like a big deal but as a demo you can get a lot of accidental friendly fire damage if you set a nuke off too close to people. Edit: I forgot that there is no friendly fire when the evac shuttle comes.
  • Bugs have armor and weak points. If your reticle has a shield in the center when you shoot something you're doing almost no damage. If the reticle turns yellow you are hitting a weak spot. Weak spots are fairly obvious, usually the glowing part of something or its "head".
  • If you use up a resupply crate put down a new one. Don't be an inconsiderate ass.
  • Being an ammo monkey for a mounted gun gives you XP and is appreciated by the gunner.
  • Don't go building stuff until you have a feel for it. More walls does not equal a better defense if you can't move around the base easily.