• Mario moves way faster when he is long jumping (crouch while running then jump). This'll make the foot races in the game considerably easier.
  • Back flipping at a wall then jumping off and spinning can get you up onto most high walls.
  • It's worth getting every star, though be aware that you won't be able to get all 120 until you've beaten the game at least once.
  • If you're stumped on a star, just pick a different world to explore. Usually, by the time you've collected 1-2 stars from every world in a planetarium, you'll have enough to unlock the Bowser level and then move to the next planetarium.
  • Lives mean very little, so don't be afraid to explore a bit (and possibly die.)
  • Having a second player on Wiimote duty can be really helpful in some places. With the A button, they can hold most enemies in place (including cannonballs!), and even freeze some moving or disappearing platforms.
  • On the really difficult water race in the trial galaxy, the timer shows 1:30 as the best time, but you have an entire 3 minutes to complete the race.
  • While there are some exceptions, generally killing an enemy with a Spin Attack gets you Star Bits, Stomping gets you a Coin.