Lorelei and the Laser Eyes
- Be sure to read the in-game instruction manual, it includes some tips that would normally be in a list like this.
- There's exactly enough money in the game to cover everything you could spend money on.
- Nothing is missable. Any info you need for a puzzle can either be recalled through your character's photographic memory or is part of the environment.
- Even so, take notes. Take a lot of notes.
- There are some puzzles you'll run into early on where you won't have the info you need until you've explored almost everything, so don't beat your head against the wall too hard.
- Even though this game has horror vibes, it doesn't really have horror elements (there are no jump scares, etc.).
- Every once in a while you'll be slowly pursued by something. It's not an instant game over if it catches you, but you'll probably want to save before it catches you in any case.