Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights

From Before I Play
Revision as of 08:03, 16 August 2024 by Ahobday (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* As you defeat bosses and sub-bosses, you'll get access to their attacks and will also unlock new moves for yourself, such as an improved evade. Since there are a lot of things laying around, if it's too annoying to reach or just impossible, you may want to come back to it later. * There is no invulnerability period whenever you take one on the chin, so it's in your best interest to get used to the evade and to also avoid situations where you'll get cornered by multipl...")
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  • As you defeat bosses and sub-bosses, you'll get access to their attacks and will also unlock new moves for yourself, such as an improved evade. Since there are a lot of things laying around, if it's too annoying to reach or just impossible, you may want to come back to it later.
  • There is no invulnerability period whenever you take one on the chin, so it's in your best interest to get used to the evade and to also avoid situations where you'll get cornered by multiple enemies coming at you. Retreating until the enemy is off-screen is handy so that you can get back at them on your own terms.
  • Main attacks force you to be stationary as you perform them and can be cancelled by using the evade. Sub-attacks do not tend to have this restriction and you'll be able to set-and-forget to cover yourself while in combat. Additionally, you can do an attack combo once per jump; if you stop the combo partway through, you don't get to start from the beginning of it until you do another jump or you do an air evade. Some collectables require messing around with this and it's just plain handy when dealing with annoying enemies.
  • There is a relic some way into the game that will give you the ability to parry (performed by hitting the evade button while not holding down a direction), which is useful as doing it successfully will stun the attacker. If it's a particularly heavy attack, though, you'll still be knocked away without taking damage and you may find it difficult to capitalize on the opportunity. The parry can also be used in the air to keep yourself up in the event you want to avoid a ground attack or give yourself a second to think before continuing with whatever you're doing.
  • Dying is of no significant consequence aside from having to make the trek back and the time lost. If you're feeling overwhelmed by something and you know you're going to lose anyway, you can send yourself straight back to the last used respite from the pause menu whenever you want.
  • Difficult sections throughout the game usually have some kind of shortcut that you need to open up so that you don't have to do all of that all over again whenever you reset from a respite. Keep an eye out.