Just Cause 2

Revision as of 10:36, 16 July 2011 by Ahobday (talk | contribs)

- Get the DLC which contains parachute thrusters - they make getting around a hell of a lot easier, but they don't cheapen the game.

- Also get the mod which enables parachute thrusters by default, so that you don't have to re-buy them every time you die.

- Other than that, just get whatever mods you want to change whichever gameplay mechanics you don't like.

- Play on Normal or Casual. Any harder, and the game will quickly become frustrating bullshit.

- Never buy what you can steal. Unless you've modded in free Black Market or Infinite Funds. In that case, knock yourself out.

- Don't bother scouring every village and base for 100% of every item. There's far more upgrade parts and money than you'll ever need, anyways.