SaGa: Emerald Beyond

From Before I Play
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  • Playthrough length: When choosing who to play as, Ameya and Mido both have the shortest playthroughs, Bonnie and Formina have a medium length run, and Diva and Suignas have the longest playthroughs. (There's a slight caveat here that Ameya actually has an extended endgame that can make her playthroughs much longer, but that's one of the last things you're likely to do in the game, with multiple playthroughs of prerequisites)
  • Diva's final boss is generally considered to be the hardest to fight on a first playthrough. Still very doable, but it can be a real difficulty spike
  • If you're using a formation that gives a discount on techs after defending, cover skills that let you protect another party member will still count as defending
  • "Sturdy" obstacles take 0 damage from most attacks, but can still be destroyed if you have an attack that ignores defense
  • Anyone Suignas has turned into a thrall/vampire/wastrel will be back to normal once you start your next playthrough, so don't worry about it and drink all the blood you want
  • You can upgrade spare starting gear to +1 for 5 spirit stones, then put it up for trade to get 20 spirit stones, 2 ironstone, 5 of a basic material, or another +1 weapon. This is an easy way to get trade exp while turning a profit off all the basic gear your new party members join with.
  • If a party member tells you not to use them, you should probably listen.