Saints Row (2022)

From Before I Play
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  • Fast travel points can be unlocked by taking a photo of certain locations marked by a train car logo on map (when you get close enough).
  • Some side hustle missions(blue marker) won't show up until you've done another hustle of the same type or progressed the story.
  • Some challenges require you to use weapons (like longsword and pinata stick) that are actually an alternative skin for another weapon (pick axe and crowbar respectively) and unlocked as a reward for something else. Be prepared to check wikis, if you're doing those.
  • Building the criminal enterprise and buying all estates is kind of optional, but if you're planning to finish that, you'll end up needing a huge amount of money. Always focus on the most expensive locations you've bought so far(clean up the threats and/or finish the tasks for that place), because the rewards grow massively at each step.