Salt and Sanctuary

Revision as of 09:46, 15 March 2017 by Contrib (talk | contribs)
  • You can roll through enemies during your invincibility frames if you're right up against them.
  • Most of the weapons come from transmutation at an Alchemist, not finding them in the world. Your available transmutations depend on your Devotion to your Creed.
  • Light attack + Heavy attack will do a launcher move, assuming you're not burdened by too much armor. Dagger users in particular benefit a lot from this move as it deals Strike damage, punching through armored enemies much faster than normal slashes.
  • Some weapons have alternate combos if you hold up and press the light attack button. Spears will do a spinning attack, for example.
  • Use your Sanctuary figurines liberally as you can't really place them incorrectly.
  • All Guides sell Calling Horns which allow you to teleport back to any Sanctuary with a Guide. They're cheap and very convenient, so make sure to stock up on them.
  • Roll animation breakpoints are DS1 style: every 25% equipment load. Medium roll isn't bad, on account of shields being generally more useful, but fat rolling makes it very hard to move through enemies.
  • Keep an eye out for inaccessible areas you obviously need a movement upgrade for and remember them. There's good loot hidden behind backtracking.
  • Using the 'Flint & Steel' sword should probably be avoided as it has some severe bugs associated with it.