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#REDIRECT [[Final Fantasy 6]]
* If you switch party members to the back row, they will take half damage from physical attacks but also deal half damage with their own normal physical attacks. This can be very beneficial for characters who primarily rely on other means to deal damage such as Sabin and Edgar. Experiment to find other attacks that deal full damage from the back row.
* If the diagonals in Sabin's blitzes are giving you trouble in the non-mobile versions of the game, you can simply use either of the two adjacent directions and the blitz will still work. For example down-down-left will execute AuraBolt/Aura Cannon.
* Evade is glitched in the SNES and PS1 versions, causing it to do nothing, with Magic Evade governing all evasion instead. Amongst other things this means that blindness has no real effect. Also if your MEvade goes above 128%, you will take no damage from anything. This was fixed in FF6 Advance and the phone/PC versions of the game.
* Undead enemies, including bosses, take damage from heals and are often outright killed by revives.
* The stat listed for each esper (+10% HP, +1 STR, etc.) indicates a small bonus that you'll get when you level up with that esper equipped. This can be worth keeping in mind with characters like Sabin whose strongest blitzes are all based on Magic, making Magic-increasing espers particularly useful for him.
* While level grinding shouldn't be necessary to beat the game, it's definitely not worth it until you get access to Espers due to the aforementioned stat bonuses they provide upon level up.
* Make good use of the characters' personal abilities. Edgar's Tools and Sabin's Blitz are powerful and cost nothing, Locke's Steal can net you a bunch of free and sometimes rare items and Celes' Runic can be a lifesaver against spellcasting bosses.
* Gau is a hit or miss character, depending on which Rage he uses. The Stray Cat rage (4x normal damage) is one of the best and available early, but don't be afraid to experiment.
* Early in the game you get control of several parties of moogles. You can strip one of them of all his items and keep them. These items are better than what you currently have.
* When a man named Banon asks you to join the Returners fairly early in the game, you have the opportunity to get one of two rare Relics. Saying "Yes" nets you a Gauntlet (Hold a weapon with both hands) but saying "No" once and subsequently talking to a man in a nearby storage room nets you a Genji Glove (Dual-wield two weapons). You also get the Genji Glove by refusing three times, but this method skips a small plot-relevant scene.
* If you ignore the treasure chests on your first time going through the South Figaro cave, they'll contain more powerful items when you go through there later with Locke and Celes. Amongst these is a Thunder Rod which makes the next boss fight trivially easy.
* Until the later parts of the game, don't give Shadow any rare or powerful equipment as he can leave on a whim. Also, there'll be a point later in the game where you are given a choice to jump or wait for him. Wait for him.

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