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* Jubei is a really solid fighter, and can take out Super Agents on his own if you use his two special abilities in conjunction to get the drop on them. He is the default starting henchman if you play as Maxamilian, but you can eventually recruit him with the other two also.
== Intro/Super Agents ==
* The game has two islands. Except for having to build a new base, not much changes on the second island. You retain your notoriety, money, number of minions, henchmen, stolen loot items and world map progress. You can only miss out on optional objectives.

* Other great henchmen are The Butcher (AMAZING fighter) and The Matron (Good special moves).
* Super Agents (heroes) will make their very first appearance based on your Notoriety, but repeat appearances seem to be random and are not based on your Heat on the world map. Neutralizing and incarcerating them should be your number one priority. Especially John Steele, he can use an ability that messes with the alarm and sets all doors to level 1. The former stops when he is knocked out, you'll have to reset the doors manually (you can pause for that).

* Red Ivan is way more trouble than he is worth. Avoid him unless you want to have a psychotic russian with a german accept blowing up all your rooms.
* You gradually unlock optional objectives to get rid of Super Agents on the second island. On the first island prevent your Notoriety from getting too high, stick to Acts of Infamy that have some kind of reward.
== Henchmen ==
* The more Notoriety you have, the more henchmen that can be recruited on the world map. You have multiple choices each time, and the ones you don't pick will still be available later.

* Eli Barracuda is hilarious.
* Jubei (Maxmillian has him from the start): A really solid fighter, he can take out Super Agents on his own if you use his two special abilities in conjunction to get the drop on them. Make sure that you tag the target before teleporting, otherwise Jubei will stop attacking after using Eviscerate.

* Try to keep the island free of body bags, and build the more incriminating rooms (Control Room, Freezer, Power Plant) far away from the base entrance. Valets and the associated minions are good for distracting agents from penetrating too far deep into your base. If you're getting swamped by agents from a certain continent, check your Heat on the world map screen and consider laying low for a while in that region.
* Lord Kane (Shen Yu's starter): Kane has a special ability called Smooth Operator, which is a social attack. Once a social attacks begins, the target will be stuck until it finishes. On top of that Smooth Operator is glitched and it will FREEZE the target until Lord Kane has reached him/her. This allows even basic minions to knock out Super Agents.

* Be really careful with Super Agents. They are the only things that can permanently kill off your Henchmen. You'll recognize Super Agents when you see/hear them. Neutralizing and incarcerating them should be your number 1 priority.
* You probably want to avoid Red Ivan: He uses a rocket launcher and he WILL blow up parts of your base. If you do recruit him you want to keep him on the world map, because he is excellent at stealing money.
* Mechanical stuff wears down over time. Make sure they are accessable to by scientists.
== Building ==
* Avoid making parts of your room inaccessible/blocked. Agents will use those to tunnel in your base and start destroying things. Having objects that block each other also means that they can't be repaired and researched by science minions.

* Don't trap your main entrance. It only takes one inattentive minion to set off a chain reaction that sees half your work force dead or dazed. Instead, build a small secondary base, fill it with non-lethal traps and seal off the outer door. Agents go in, spend ages in there, and by the time they get out they are ready to leave the island.
* Don't trap your main entrance. It only takes one inattentive minion to set off a chain reaction that sees half your work force dead or dazed. Instead, build a small secondary base, fill it with non-lethal traps and seal off the outer door. Agents go in, spend ages in there, and by the time they get out they are ready to leave the island.

* Build cells so they open onto a freezer. That way, you can issue capture orders for troublesome agents, chuck them into a Death Roller, order a termination, and the body bag will pop out onto a freezer, removing the nasty loyalty drain.
* Build shacks outside and then just put a security door on them. This will attract agents and keep them occupied. Put the shacks in corners of the map, but don't put them in the path between your base and the depot/helipad.
* Social attacks work great against tougher agents. Once it's locked in, they're stuck until it finishes, even if a nearby Freak is pounding them. Super Agents become simple to capture with social attacks (keeping them captured is another matter )
* Plonk loot in heavily used areas like the Training Room or the Control Room to ensure maximum loyalty boost. Plus a lot of loot gives boost to other stats. An endurance booster can keep minions training for longer before collapsing.
* Another note about it the totem pole is that the pieces drain stats until the pole is completed, so store them in the freezer.
* The game doesn't explain it, but once you've researched freaks, you can create them by tossing body-bags into the bio-vat. If you want to get rid of them, tag them for weakening. They kill every agent they see, tagged or untagged, but they're handy if you've got waves of soldiers coming to your base.
* Don't make a spot completely inaccessible with objects. If you have an odd-shaped room where there's a tile that's blocked by items, saboteurs and thieves can tunnel in underground and start destroying your shit.

* If a minion deserts due to low loyalty, you can capture them, then release them from their cell after a few seconds, and they'll go back to working for you. They run at max speed, but if you double click, they'll stop to salute you, even as twenty guys beat them up. This doesn't work for minions who desert because of a super-agent ability.
* The totem pole pieces (optional objectives on the first island) will drain stats until the pole is completed, so store them in the Freezer until you have all the pieces.

* There's an objective to steal two out of three research objects. If you get all three, you can research all the cool tech stuff, if you just get the two, you get cut off from a lot of the cool end game tech.
* Sometimes minions get stuck dropping off an agent in a holding cell. Temporarily move the cell to a different spot to fix it.
== Management ==
* There's a config file that lets you adjust the maximum number of minions (by default it's 100). Increase that to make the game a little easier. Or just cheat and give yourself money, that way you can focus on your island instead of having to look at your minions on the world map every 2 minutes.

* Press 'P' to pause. Especially once you get to the second island, and hopefully have a couple of mil in the bank. The ability to just sit back and layout your entire lair from the get-go is pretty sweet.
* If a minion deserts due to low Loyalty, you can capture them, release them from their cell after a few seconds, and they'll go back to working for you. They run at max speed when deserting, but if you double click them they'll stop to salute you, even as twenty guys beat them up. This doesn't work for minions who desert because of a certain Super Agent ability.

* There's a config file that lets you adjust the maximum number of minions. Increase that to make the game a little easier.
* Once you've researched freaks, you can create them by tossing body bags into the Biotanks. If you want to get rid of freaks, tag them for weakening.
== Research ==
* The key to research is obtaining research devices: (1) You steal one of three research devices on the world map. (2) You research the other two research devices in your base (so the ones you didn't steal). (3) Once you've got all three devices and have stolen the Mercury Mirror loot item (a mission in Australia), you will EVENTUALLY research the fourth research item, Biotanks. It can take a while. (4) At the start of the second island you are given research item #5, 6 and 7.

* Agent skill level contributes to stats, but most importantly it decides how much the agent does his thing. Rookie Investigators don't get the urge to do their jobs until they run across arms stockpiles or the ark of the Covenant, while master Agents waste a lot of time taking notes on everything they run across, no matter how innocent. Green Soldiers are easy to distract and redirect, but commando Veterans shoot everyone and everything without provocation, starting from the noncombatants.
* For some reason your scientists might not study the right buildings to get all three original research devices. This means you will miss out on the fourth research device (and a lot of improved items). For me this "bug" fixed itself on the second island, but just in case, here is reference to which buildings the scientist need to study to obtain these research devices. Impact Stress Analyzer -> a normal door. Giants Laser -> a security camera. Centrifuge -> a power generator. You can put a door and camera in your Laboratory so your science minions won't miss them. The power generator can be trickier, and that is why I recommend stealing the Centrifuge on the world map to start your science adventure. I don't remember in which territory it spawns on the world map, but keep looking for it.
== Moving to the second island ==
* Once you've completed all the main objectives on the first island, you'll be given a button on the world map to travel to the second one. Your minions will pack up your loot items and run towards the depot. Make sure the loot items are in rooms your minions can access. There seems to be some kind of hard limit to the amount of loot items you can transfer, so hopefully you didn't steal all of them thus far.

* Spin doctors are your most useful agent defusers. They drain Smarts, which lowers the agent's suspicion back to "carefree" level. If they leave the island with that blue ring around their feet, they actually lower your heat. Diplomats are also useful, as they drain loyalty, but they can't calm down tourists. Playboys are more useful in the field than in your base, as they're the only social minions capable of theft.
* You want as little Heat as possible before the move. That way you don't have to deal with bothersome agents while leaving the first island AND shortly after arriving on the second island.

* The mess hall mixer, the researched archive devices and the biotanks eat up the agent's smarts. A trouncing by the supercomputer or the bio-dome plant life and being used as a live target in the rifle range hurt attention. The basic chair interrogation, impact tester, laser cannon and motorized bookcases just kill the prisoner for entertainment and loyalty boosts.
* Having a lot of money before you leave the first island is a great boon. You can build the second island base of your dreams (press P to pause so you can design in peace). Having 3 million in the bank will last you quite a while. Note that you won't have all that money at the start of the second island, you need to build a separate store room inside your new base for all that money to start appearing.


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