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Note: A big patch has just been released that reworked lots of the game's systems, so these notes are likely out of date.
* Sliding is super important both for speed and for dodging attacks, figure out a comfortable binding for it asap. The easiest way is to set running to Auto and then change the sprint button to crouch, but this will sometimes make platforming trickier.

* The small orbs are (bonus) exp, but they're ALSO health orbs. If you have red health in addition to your normal health, picking up small orbs will contribute to healing that. It makes using close range guns less punishing than they initially seem when you know that.
* Normal difficulty gets brutal about halfway through a run on a fresh save. Consider dropping the difficulty to Easy to bank up some wrenches to unlock early critical upgrades.

* Hitting weak points on enemies is a guaranteed critical hit, both for damage and for perks that trigger off of crits. There are a few enemies I haven't found weak spots for, but almost all of them (including the bosses) have them.
* Basically all of the workshop upgrades are potent, even if they don't sound like it.

* Pay attention to your map, it's not really going to lie to you. If it says there's a treasure room on the other side of that wall, there's a way to get to it.
* The perks on the right side of the upgrade screen require special power crystal items. These items will also increase the difficulty slightly when enabled, though very gradually and the benefits almost always outweigh the negative - more elite enemies spawning.

* Keys to unlock doors persist through death, and there are some you're straight up not going to be able to use on the same run you get them (because the door they unlock is before you get the key). Any door but the final boss door stays unlocked once you do it, so don't fear "losing" a key you've picked up. The final boss door's unlock is part of the level it exists in, so you have to do it each time.
* The starting Guardian class is unfortunately a lot more limited and hard to make work well compared to the others. Experiment with the other classes as you unlock them.

* Your weapons (that have ammo) auto-reload when not in use. If you swap weapons, you'll see the icon for the weapon you just swapped off of start as an empty black color in the lower right and then fill up. When it ends up full, the weapon has passively reloaded and will be full whenever you swap back to it.
* Vertical and air mobility open up a lot more once you unlock certain gadgets, though you might be able to find weapons with the rocket jump alt-fire prior to that or just rocket jump the old fashioned way.

* On the topic of those little weapon indicators and the colors, if you have a weapon with the "Versatile" perk (and thus its weapon card in your inventory is two colors instead of 1) you can see which stat the gun is currently using by which color its indicator in the lower right is. You don't have to actively do anything for it to change which stat it is using, it will always use the applicable one that is currently highest, so it's mostly there as an at a glance reminder of which stat you're stacking that has an effect on that weapon.
* One of the enemies in the opening level is not like the others...
* If you end up somewhere with a time limit, you instantly die if time runs out. ...Unless everything else in the level is already exploding, in which case you'll merely be locked out of the prize at the end of the gauntlet.
* Keys and quest items carry over between runs; you're often expected to take items from later stages into earlier areas on the next run.
* Most arenas will feature a chime announcing the arrival of a worker bot riding along a rail. These bots don't attack you but grant a higher than average amount XP and drop a bunch of healing cells. Try not to miss them. If you're especially quick you can grind the rail straight into them for an instant kill.
* Collecting healing cells is vital to staying alive, but focusing too much on collecting them is a great way to take even more damage.


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