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- I save at the start of every battle before moving anything in case the very first action is a blasterbomb going off in the skyranger killing everyone. I'm just not that hardcore.
- I save at the start of every battle before moving anything in case the very first action is a blasterbomb going off in the skyranger killing everyone. I'm just not that hardcore.
- Use the "reserve TUs" buttons to make sure your guys have some TUs left for reaction fire
- Try to engage in the day when possible; the aliens can see in the dark, you can't. Get used to how long it takes for the Skyranger to get somewhere and time it to arrive in sunlight.
- Your operatives can dual-wield weapons, but carrying lots of weight makes them burn TUs faster and using a two-handed weapon in one hand reduces accuracy. Don't do what I did and set everyone up with rifle+grenade to start with; have them carry the grenade on the belt until it's needed.
- Explosives are your friend. It'll be a while before you can blast holes in a UFO hull, but leveling a building that aliens are hiding in is always safer than going in after them.
- speaking of explosives, they tend to be heavy. Give the rocket launcher to the guy with high strength; it'll slow him down less.
- Save at least one of each thing you find to research, and sell the rest unless you have a use for it. Never sell Elerium-115 (you may not have a use for it now but you'll want as much as you can get later).
- Move systemically and completely clear out areas. It's the worst thing to have one enemy left on the map when you're sure you've checked everything.
- Never just send one person out on their own. They'll get killed and you won't be able to see the enemy which killed them. Try to send out scouts with people with high accuracy covering them.
- You don't lose points for environmental destruction. So if you want to take a shortcut, make one. This works really well with lasers since they have infinite ammo.
- Crouching's important. It improves your aim and makes you a smaller target.
- People are paid their full salary at the end of the month no matter when they arrived. So try to do your recruiting so that they arrive at the beginning of the month if possible. Also, if I recall correctly, salary isn't calculated for people being transferred between bases, so if you don't have them doing anything and are hard up for cash, shuffle them around.
- Sell whatever you're not going to use for a while. Unless it's elerium, don't sell that.
- This game is not kind. You will lose battles, you will go through lots of recruits.



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