Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

Revision as of 11:13, 14 April 2020 by Ahobday (talk | contribs)
  • You should choose to go total Light Side or Dark Side from the very first dialog choices. The differences in the extremes are massive, in both powers and storylines. If you think you'll be up for multiple playthroughs, you may want to try your first playthrough as full Light Side Melee and your second as full Dark Side Magic, so you can see the everything the game has to offer. If you definitely only want one playthrough, mix and match as you please, but look up the other side online to see what you missed.
  • Magic >> Melee >> Guns. Melee feels like the default difficulty setting for obvious reasons. Force Magic can get hilariously overpowered. Guns are barely viable on your main character, even in the early game. If you're desperate to try a gunslinger build on a repeat playthrough, you can purchase Cassus Fett's Heavy Blaster from B'ree on Korriban. This gun stunlocks enemies when paired with Rapid Fire and dual wield, making it the closest thing to a viable build for Guns.
  • Don't spend the level-up points you get after level 4 or so until after you leave the first planet and your character changes (You'll know what I mean when it happens, it's a pretty major change). More options will open up for character progression and you'll want points for that.
  • Flurry is pretty awesome, but mostly at higher levels. At the first rank it misses a lot, especially if you are dual-wielding, so it might be more useful to do normal attacks until you get a couple points in it.
  • If you get the opportunity to purchase a translator droid, do it. It opens up pretty major content with regards to party dialogue.