If you played Two Point Hospital

  • A lot of the same ideas from TPH work in this game too, but notably while in TPH you wanted to get patients through the system as fast as possible, in TPC you're stuck with your students for three years, so things that distracted your patients from getting to where they needed to be in TPH are actually nice to have in TPC.
  • In TPH you wanted the smallest rooms possible; in TPC some rooms have a variable capacity based on size, so you'll want bigger rooms than the minimum for things like your student union or your library.
  • Some things are still bad, though, like plants that require maintenance (though students can help with that in TPC), or marketing, which was okay in TPH but is barely useful in TPC.


  • Always make sure you have at least a couple hundred kudosh in reserve; you get notifications for students wanting things to be placed all the time, and if you unlock those objects willy-nilly you'll end up short when a student needs you to unlock and place an object that's necessary for their coursework.
  • Being outside improves student health, so try to put as much stuff between buildings as possible, like clubs or food stands.
  • Classrooms can only handle multiples of 8 students at a time, so be sure to only admit students each year in multiples of 8. Otherwise you'll be hiring extra staff and building extra classrooms for almost-empty classes.
  • Similarly, crank the tuition fees as high as you can while still being able to take 8/16/24 students to maximize revenue - the happiness penalty isn't very severe.
  • Students pay tuition, but they also pay rent, and the nicer the dorms, the higher the rent, so be sure to crank your dorms' prestige level as high as you can. It's easier and cheaper to have one big dorm than a bunch of small ones as a result.
  • Every course has classes in lecture halls, so improving the prestige of lecture halls and prioritizing their upgrades gets more total benefit than other classrooms
  • You can add and remove tiles from your buildings now, which helps greatly with fitting the many differently-shaped rooms
  • Each type of student has a passive that can help around the campus. Swots help with other students' grades, while Rebels might perform some percussive maintenance to fix up broken objects. The more different courses, the more variety of students, the more you can benefit from these passive abilities.


  • The tutorial says you need an assistant manning a club recruitment stand; you actually don't, assistants just prioritize students joining that club.
  • Each club provides a bonus to movement speed, energy, learning rate, cash, or entertainment. Depending on the map, some clubs might be more useful than others, but the Book Club improving your students' learning rate is useful on every map.