World War Z

From Before I Play
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  • Strongly recommend working with other people online whether it is random PUGs or pulling in a friend or three. While the bots are good enough at saving you from peril and can cover well enough during big waves of enemies, they cannot be told to go somewhere to cover a specific area nor will they pick up items unless you tell them to do so (and they don't pick up everything). They will never, ever shoot you in the back, though, and will rush to help if they're not busy being swarmed. If you can't/won't play online, consider giving the game a pass unless you really want to put up with this.
  • As you go through missions win or lose, you earn both experience points for your class and credits to spend upgrading both your skills as well as for leveling up your weapons when you do enough with them. Higher difficulties pay out more XP and credits, so stick with a class that seems interesting to you and a set of primary and secondary weapons you see yourself enjoying. Most classes start out with the pistol that comes with a silencer, and most weapons in the game will eventually earn a silencer once you reach a high enough level (this includes the really big machine guns and the shotguns).
  • You can only carry one special weapon at a time (for example, the flamethrower or the modified shotgun with 50 shells attached) and there is no way to reload them at all. Once you're empty, that's it. If playing alone, you can command the bots to carry any spares for you since they will never pull it out themselves, but you need to be right next to it and wait a bit so they can do that.
  • There are special enemies in the game and they are threatening, but the main threat you'll come to find is how massive the swarms can become, especially during the finale for each mission you're on. As you'll come to find out, killed zombies can still block some bullets as they're falling down before they hit the ground and finally become "out of play," so you need to watch out unless your gun has some penetration going for it.
  • The special enemies are as follows: Lurkers will leap at you to pummel until they get knocked off (like L4D's Hunter), Screamers will cause a small swarm every 20 seconds or so unless put down, Infectors can spit at you to put you on a timer to instant death, Bulls and Juggernauts can grab you and topple you respectively, Bombers can ruin your life unless you pop them from a distance or take out their legs and melee them for a free pickup, and Gasbags can cause area denial on death unless you kill them with a headshot. Each one has a distinct sound and the player characters will immediately warn you the moment any of them hear that a Lurker is in the area. Don't leave them standing unless the swarm they might be coming with is a more severe problem.
  • Even on the hardest difficulty, a headshot on any standard zombie is an instant kill. If you're in a rush, though, center of mass can do the trick as long as your team can pick up the slack.
  • If you're playing solo, you can rush the objective once it's opened up for you (for instance, there's a door that can be closed while an endless swarm is bearing down on your team) and hit the button with no consequence since the bots will pop next to you. If you're playing with someone, you all need to be together or else whoever is left behind that isn't a bot is certainly dead.
  • Take the defense setups seriously. It can make the difference between a smooth time and all of you getting mauled within seconds.
  • For some bizarre reason, you can pause during solo play but it will not be a true pause. If you have to take a call or something, there are a few spots that are safe enough that you can leave it alone, but that's all you get.
  • For the daily and weekly challenges, what the game calls Normal difficulty is actually the base game's Hard difficulty. Coupled with the modifiers that are in play, you don't want to get caught out and have a bad time, so save those until you're more familiar with how the game works and after you've gotten some levels in your guns/classes.