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* Unless you really love the game or are insanely OCD (like me, on both counts) don't bother trying to 100% the game doing things you don't enjoy. Yes, I believe you get a little extra thing at the end, but it's no big deal and you can easily watch it on Youtube.
* At the start of the game, Batman has lost his REC gun and freeze grenades from Arkham City. You can get both of these back quite early; the REC is in the GCPD Evidence Lockup, and the grenades are in the place where you meet up with Robin. The plot will direct you to both of these eventually, but there's no reason not to pick them up ASAP.

* Almost all of the batsuit upgrades are great, so make them a priority (save the divebomb ones for last). Make sure to get the twin and triple aimed batarangs from the gadget upgrades early since they are needed to help solve a lot of puzzles. I found most of the other gadget upgrades underwhelming. Also, early on get the special combo boost from the combat line (lets you do insta takedowns and special abilities at a combo of x5 instead of x8, one of the best skills in the game really). I also think critical strikes from the combat tree is important.
* The Batmobile stuff is pretty frontloaded; they lay it on thick at the start of the game, but then ease back a bit.  

* Early on don't worry too much about upgrading the batmobile, but later on it becomes pretty important and the health upgrades are a must along with the 'double boost dodge'. Also, the 'super eject' isn't really necessary but it's fun as hell.
* By default, putting the car into battle mode requires holding the left trigger (or RMB). There's a setting to change this to a toggle, which is recommended. Battle mode can also be used while driving to stop instantly. The car also has multiple POV modes; you might find Bumper-cam works better for the races.

* If you are stuck on a Riddler puzzle there is a chance you don't have the gadget necessary to beat it yet (think Metroid or Castlevania). Just come back to it later, you'll have plenty of time. Also, if you are crazy like me and want to solve all the Riddler puzzles make sure to use detective vision to scan the streets for 'green' thugs (Riddler informants), they will unlock the location of riddles on your map. Also, more and more stuff is unlocked as you progress in the main story.
* Upgrades: anything that improves your combat abilities and freeflow is a must. For gadgets, basically every Disruptor upgrade is worthwhile. For the car, dodging and damage are handy. Also the extra Grapnel Boosts really change the way you fly around the city, they're not necessary but they're fun.  

* Some combat situations later in the game can seem kind of impossible, but that's typically the games way of saying ' you need to be in the batmobile here' and part of the puzzle might be finding a way to get the batmobile there to wreck shit up.
* Riddler stuff: new Riddler puzzles appear across the city in several waves, based on your plot progression. Certain puzzles rely on gadgets you may not yet have unlocked; some of them rely on upgrades you may not have. As in previous games, you can add puzzles to your map by scanning the trophies, or by interrogating Riddler's dudes on the streets. You need to get all of the trophies if you want to catch the Riddler. The one upside is that they carry over into New Game+

* Under 'gadget tech' almost all of the 'disrupter' upgrades are really useful, particularly if you are like me and love to play full on 'stealth' mode as much as possible. I didn't bother with the other gadgets too much.
* Certain militia checkpoints have tons of guys with guns in a small area. Usually, you're meant to find a way to take them out with the car.

* The big annoyance with 100% is Riddler Puzzles, but unless you aren't doing the ones you find as you go, it should take like maybe 4 hours to hunt them all down
* There's a lot of incidental dialogue, much of which is based on your progression through the story. So take your time, wander around, do lots of side-missions, soak it all up.

* To alleviate that Riddler stuff carries over into NG+, so if you do that, then it won't be much of a thing
* The police helicopters will sometimes point out the locations of side-missions, if you're having trouble finding them.

* Riddler Informants sometimes don't spawn unless you've been fighting random street thugs, so do that if you're having trouble finding one
* When you get up to the last mission of the main plot, several different characters will tell you it's the point of no return. This is not actually true; you can keep playing the game, and do all the side-missions, after the main story is complete.

* Visit the police evidence lock up when you get a chance, there's something there for you
* In order to unlock the ending, you need to have completed 7 out of the 14 Gotham's Most Wanted questlines. In order to unlock the secret ending, you need to have completed all 14 (which means getting all the Riddler trophies). Honestly, the difference is like 20 seconds of footage, unless you enjoy the puzzles you might as well just watch it on Youtube.

* When you visit Robin there's something for you that's completely optional but helpful on a table to the left as you enter the room
* DLC: the challenge maps and skins are whatever. The Arkham Episodes are well-made, but incredibly short, like 15 minutes each (except for the Batgirl one, which is more like 90). The Season of Infamy, on the other hand, adds four new questlines to the main game; they're really well-integrated, and are on par with the best stuff from the base game.  
* One particular annoying puzzle involves a LOT of targets and a pressure pad for the Batmobile, look behind you and up and you should be able to figure it out, otherwise it seems juuuuuust out of reach and can be super frustrating
* The Batmobile stuff is sorta front loaded, so if you're hating it at the start it eventually gets less and less required usage. If you like it like me though then you can continue using it a bunch.
* Go into options and look around for something like Battle Mode Toggle I think, makes the Batmobile controls more sane, e.g. triggers for acceleration/braking, and battle mode is a toggle instead of a hold.
* The drift button for corners: use it before the turn and just tap it, I find that makes it easier to make a 90° turn
* Battle mode can be used to stop the Batmobile instantly
* One of the characters that randomly shows up throughout the game usually says 3 quips before going away (this is vague on purpose and it'll make sense later, also it's not like important but if you like them it's worth it to hang around for a few seconds).
* Oh, side mission things don't immediately give you the location, but will after enough time has passed or something, however you can still happen across them. It's sorta weird and sometimes it's something you can figure out but yeah, it's not like a glitch or anything.
* The police helicopters can often point you to side missions and things. Sometimes you will hear something like 'there is a bank robbery in process' over the radio, and there will be a police helicopter with a spotlight on the bank in question. This is never really spelled out for you, but it can be helpful.
