Metal Gear Solid 3

Revision as of 15:44, 22 March 2012 by Ahobday (talk | contribs) (moved Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence to Metal Gear Solid 3: Lots of general advice and very few release-specific tips, so I moved it all to a general page.)

- Dpad sneaks otherwise guards will hear you.

- B/O button + Direction CQC slam is amazing.

- Play with free camera or whatever it is that takes out the horrible camera angles from the original release.

- Killing people makes a bossfight later in the game longer based on how many people you kill. Alternately if you want to murder tons of people and suffer no punishment just lie down in the river the fight takes place in.

- 80%-85% index is great camo and good enough for most situations.