The Planet Crafter

From Before I Play
Revision as of 14:57, 18 August 2024 by Ahobday (talk | contribs)
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  • Exploring is important.
  • Looting containers is the only source of food in the early game.
  • For properly exploring wrecks you need the torch and deconstruction mods.
  • When exploring, carry enough resources to be able to build shelter to replenish oxygen (3 iron, 2 titanium, 1 silicon).
  • Electricity doesn’t have a maximum range so you can build anywhere.
  • Deconstructing always returns full resources, so don’t hold back on experimenting.
  • Later in the game some areas will be covered with water making them unsuitable for buildings. Most notably the area around the suggested starting position.
  • The global bonuses from rockets stack.
  • Loading the game replenishes food and water.
  • Meteors may hurt you but don’t damage constructions and will carry resources, including rare ones. Also meteor rubble will disappear after a short time.
  • Loose items will despawn after some time.
  • Almost all resources will have renewable source at some point in game. But that point may come late enough that you shouldn't go overboard with wasting them.
  • You can climb vines.
  • There is fall damage.