Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

From Before I Play
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  • Peter Quill is not Iron Man or Captain America. As Star Lord, you are arguably the weakest member of your team. He is the team leader. Call the plays. Set up the opportunities, and then call in your squad to lay down the big hits.
  • Combining the special attacks from multiple teammates is the key to fighting the largest and toughest enemies. If you try to take down large foes with nothing but Peter’s pea-shooters, you’re going to be there a long time.
  • Elemental attacks are very important. Enemies will have an indicator for what type of attack they are weak to. If it’s not one of the four elements, then try a charged shot.
  • The gameplay and story both start slowly. But things really speed up after a few hours. Just get on board with the ride and enjoy getting to know this version of the characters. The story gets flarkin’ weird soon enough. And you unlock more abilities that let you combine attacks in various cool ways.
  • Melee kills generate more health orbs. Melee kills on frozen enemies give you even more.
  • Use your special finishers whenever possible. Y+B on Xbox or Triangle + Circle on PS.
  • The difficulty is extremely customizable. How much damage you deal or take. How long cool-downs are. How quickly shields regenerate. And several other factors. No achievements are tied to difficulty, so set it up however is fun for you.
  • Similarly, there are lots of accessibility options that you may want to look over, even if you have no special requirements. Things like distance at which you will lock on enemies, or whether or not you have a dot to mark your center of hud can be very useful.
  • Huddles grant full healing to all guardians, even if they are downed. This is very handy for rescuing teammates who are surrounded by enemies.
  • Huddles also crank some sweet tunes, and grant combat bonuses based on whether you are able to rally your team or not. Don’t be afraid to use them. You charge the meter pretty quickly. Usually one every couple of fights or so.
  • Most of the dialog choices you make are for flavor and character moments, and don’t affect the outcome. Decisions that DO affect something later will be announced by text in the corner after you make the choice.
  • If you want all the achievements on your first play-through,
    be sure to keep enough units to cover the fine. There won’t be any more chances to make money after you leave Nowhere.