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*  Your melee skills are insanely useful. You can disarm and knock unconscious any enemy by getting right up to them with empty hands and just clicking like a nutcase. Plus the headbutt looks awesome.
== General Advice ==

- You can throw any knife you can pick up. I think the button for throw is T or G or something TEMPORARYDASHCHARACTER check the options menu TEMPORARYDASHCHARACTER and doing this will instantly kill any enemy, and will do so silently. Uh... if you hit them, anyway. The knife has a bit of an arc to it.
* Get used to messing up. It will happen. Gun everyone down and flee in a clown suit if that's what it takes to get the job done. Eventually you'll learn the ins and outs of the level, and then you can worry about that precious Silent Assassin rating.

- Shoving anyone over anything will kill them. It doesn't matter if the fall is a foot or a mile, if they complete a full turn over the railing/low wall/whatever a script will kill them instantly before they even hit the ground.
* NPCs in Blood Money have fragile spines and poor equilibrium- you can kill anyone with an accident by pushing them over railings or down even small inclines. If they complete a full turn over the railing/low wall/whatever a script will kill them instantly before they even hit the ground. Accident kills are the "cleanest" way to play Blood Money, and with many targets, pushing is the only accident available.

- You should pretty much always be wearing a disguise. Especially outfits with low-cut tops, even if only to admire 47's incredible physique
* Hide corpses. You will never feel stupider than when you're six feet from a level exit and some adventuresome douchebag stumbles across the unconscious waiter you left in a bathroom surrounded by piles of clothes and six discarded revolvers.

- There are no missions in the game that require a gun, but almost all of them are a lot more fun with your .45. Combining magnum ammunition with a high-quality suppressor on any weapon will give you a quiet weapon that shoots easily through doors and sends corpses flying. Incidentally, your shotgun is completely pointless. Never waste money on it.
* You should pretty much always be wearing a disguise. Especially outfits with low-cut tops, even if only to admire 47's incredible physique;)

- If you've played the earlier Hitman games, this one is much more open-ended, so never be afraid to take your time and explore the area. There are only two missions that I remember where there's an absolute time limit for an event; for the others, events are on cycles. If you miss something that you thought gave you an opportunity, wait around for a while and see if it repeats.
* Want to break the game into a million pieces? You have an infinite number of coins that can be used as sound lures.

- Hide corpses. You will never feel stupider than when you're six feet from a level exit and some adventuresome douchebag stumbles across the unconscious waiter you left in a bathroom surrounded by piles of clothes and six discarded revolvers.
* Detection is bizzarely focused on 47's face, which is innately more suspicious than the rest of him. Turn around and duck if someone is approaching you and you want added cover. Beware; some mirrors let NPCs see behind them.  

- Experimentation often pays off. It might take a while for you to explore the level and get a feel for what happens when, what disguises are the best etc.
* Trespassing is nuanced; in many places, guards will shout at you and wave you off, but if you get out of the area quickly without doing anything overtly illegal, they won't sound the alarm or open fire.

- There's always multiple methods to kill a person, some of which are pretty obvious (shooting them), others that are painted as accidental deaths.
== Combat Tricks ==

- It's really, really hard to fuck yourself over as you can replay levels until you get them perfect and the only real thing that effects you detrimentally is notoriety, which is easily removed.
* Your melee skills are very useful. You can disarm and knock out any enemy by getting right up to them with empty hands and clicking; it makes 47 do a sicknasty headbutt (this is, of course, not exactly stealthy, and will count as being detected).

- Stealth? Fuck it, Go in guns blazing if you want. It screws your rank, but thankfully you can just go balls out if you want and trash a place.
* You can throw any knife you can pick up by holding the G key. Thrown knives will instantly, silently, kill any enemy... if you hit them, anyway. The knife has a bit of an arc to it.

- If no one can see your face, they won't expect you to strangle them easily. They know who you are if they see behind them.
* Syringes are your friends. You can sprint at people from behind and put them down swiftly a well as silently. Perfect for taking down guards when you're in a restricted area, or when you're just too god damned impatient to sneak up with fiber wire.
Turn around and duck if someone is approaching you.

-Upgrade your silverballers. Seriously. Make them your number one priority.
* Your RU-AP mines are incredibly versatile. Use them.

-The Syringes are your friends. You can sprint at people from behind and put them down swiftly a well as silently. Perfect for taking down guards when you're in a restricted area, or when you're just too god damned impatient to sneak up with fiber wire.
* Sneak up behind people with your gun drawn and grab them, then knock them out and drag them away from open places. If you don't shoot the body, they will only get up if someone finds them.

-Your RU-AP mines are incredibly versatile. Use them.
== Getting Silent Assassin ==

-If you're the patient type, you can learn a lot just by chilling out in the map menu. Guard routes become apparent rather quickly, and that can often mean the difference between Terrorist and Silent Assassin.
* To get Silent Assassin on a given mission, you must:
** Not lose your "cover". (The player cannot be attacked by guards).
** Acquire no witnesses. (Basically no one can see you doing something illegal. The exception is being caught trespassing, which does 'not' lose you SA.)
** Do not get recorded by a camera (or steal any recorded evidence). The camera will always "spot" you if you're in your suit, even if you're not doing anything illegal.
** Do not hurt non-targets.

* There's a big list of exceptions here, weirdly! Accident kills, human shields killed by other guards, melee attacks, sedation, and killing/sedating animals do not count.

-Get used to fucking up. It will happen. Gun everyone down and flee in a clown suit if that's what it takes to get the job done. Eventually you'll learn the ins and outs of the level, and then you can worry about that precious Silent Assassin rating.  
* Do not have weapons detected during a frisk.

- You can sometimes walk into restricted areas and get shot at but they might leave you alone if you get out of there quickly and without being violent.
* On difficulties above Normal, you ''also'' cannot:
** Leave the default suit or customizeable weapons in the level when you leave. This also penalizes your payout ("suit retrieval costs")
** Allow bodies to be found. Accident kills and animal kills are OK.

- Wait for someone to lean over railings and push them off.
== Notoriety & Money ==

- Sneak up behind people with your gun drawn and hold them, then knock them out and drag them away from open places. They will only get up if someone touches them if you didn't shoot the body.
* Blood Money pays you for completing each mission based on your ranking (with some occasional side objective bonuses for retrieving items). If you replay a mission, you generally only earn more money by getting closer to a perfect completion and a faster completion time. There are exceptions that involve bugs with save file states; google them elsewhere. Remember, in practice, '''the total amount of money you earn is finite'''. Choose upgrades and purchases carefully.

- Use weapons appropriate to the situation and uniform. This isn't like the older games.
* If you leave witnesses or camera footage behind in a mission, it adds to 47's "Notoriety". This makes civilians and guards suspicious of you in your suit, or even in disguise. You can reduce your Notoriety by replaying a the faulty mission and not leaving evidence, or by paying money to reduce or reset its value. ''Never do this'', just replay the level.  If you repeat a mission, then your notoriety at the end will be the least you gained on any of your tries.

- Take your time in missions.
* For similar reasons, think carefully about whether you need to buy mission intel.
== Weapons and Upgrades ==
* There are no missions in the game that require a gun after the tutorial.
* Upgrades are unlocked as you progress through the main story. If you want to save money, wait until later in the game and you can skip them by getting the most powerful versions.
* The miscellaneous upgrades are some of the most powerful.
* Upgrade your silverballers first- they are by far the most versatile and effective weapon you can customize.
* Combining magnum ammunition with a high-quality suppressor on any weapon will give you a quiet weapon that shoots easily through doors and sends corpses flying.
* The SP12 shotgun is completely pointless. Never waste money on it unless everything else is unlocked.
* You can get additional guns for your collection by finding them and leaving them in an ICA dropbox in the mission. ''This includes the tutorial mission'', which is a very convenient place to get some guns if you're looking for a complete collection. Many, many guns appear in only one mission in an irregular location, but unlike Silent Assassin or Contracts, there are no truly ''hidden'' weapons.
== All About Missions ==
* Never be afraid to take your time and explore the area. If you're the patient type, you can learn a lot just by chilling out in the map menu. Guard routes become apparent rather quickly, and that can often mean the difference between Terrorist and Silent Assassin. There are only two missions where there's an absolute time limit for an event; for the others, target behaviors are almost always on cycles.
* Some missions have dogs on them. Dogs count as witnesses if they see you doing something illegal. Yes, this affects your score. Stay away from them or find a way to...remove them.
* Again, shoving anyone over anything will kill them as an accident. It doesn't matter if the fall is a foot or a mile,  For a handful of targets, this is the only way to get an accident kill.
* Aside from the omnipresent threat of gravity, Blood Money's implementation of accidents is...linear. Look for a big thing that the target interacts with. You can probably touch it and make them kill themselves, no matter what it is.
* If a mission has an elevator, that elevator is a magickal killcloset for 47. Figure out which one a target uses, enter the elevator, climb onto the roof and wait!


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