V Rising

From Before I Play
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  • Your equipment determines your level. The basic loop is kill v blood boss, build new thing it unlocks, farm mats to make stronger gear, build it, kill the next set of v blood bosses, etc.
  • Plant every seed you find, and spend your early copper at the merchants buying seeds and books. You should keep a full stack of flowers you need for potions, and turn everything else into pollen at the grinder, because you want to get your paper to scrolls to page pipeline as busy as you can to unlock everything as soon as possible.
  • Clanning is insanely powerful. You can share castle and resources as if they were your own, and learn each other's recipes. This HALVES that grind. 2 players can easily hit 91 (max gear level mostly) in a week by duoing everything. 3 or 4 players speed this up even more. You can have someone join your server and kit them out with gear to be your level.
  • Get appropriate floors for your crafting areas as soon as possible, there is much farming to do in this game and anything that saves you time or ingredients pays dividends.
  • Purple dash is meta once unlocked, only double dash in the game.
  • As strong as the co op in the game is, pvp is just as hardcore. You can work together with strangers, or you can try to kill them, guess what happens most often because people are garbage. Always accept you can lose your farmed stuff and not make it home, it will happen more and more as you venture into high level areas, especially Mortium. If you do not want to deal with this, consider a pve server.
  • If you're on console there is only one real living server and it's pvp so, you don't have much of a choice there if you're not gonna play it as a single player game.